Small bird (4)

'small bird' is the definition.
(I've seen this in another clue)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for wren that I've seen before include "A songster" , "Small British bird" , "Small active brown northern hemisphere bird" , "Architect of St Paul's Cathedral" , "See 7 Down" .)
'small bird' is the definition.
(I've seen this in another clue)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for tit that I've seen before include "Small songbird" , "Boob made backing" , "Small bird that lives off insects" , "Small garden bird" , "useless horse, or not?" .)
(Other definitions for owlet that I've seen before include "Wise baby bird?" , "Young nocturnal flier" , "Little hooter?" , "Baby bird; moth" , "new hooter?" .)
'small bird' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for robin that I've seen before include "Seasonal bird" , "Small brown and red bird" , ". . . . . Hood was a medieval outlaw" , "Small brown thrush" , "Red-breasted Christmas card bird" .)
'small bird' is the definition.
(type of bird)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for sparrow that I've seen before include "Cock Robin's assassin" , "House bird" , "Bird with cockney associations" , "(Formerly very) common British bird" , "Small brownish bird" .)
(Other definitions for fantail that I've seen before include "Variety of pigeon" , "In a flat (anag.)" , "Bird" , "Breed of pigeon" , "Flier" .)
(Other definitions for wagtail that I've seen before include "singer" , "I tag law of the bird" , "Small bird (pied/yellow)" , "Common bird" , "'Bird, its posterior projection jerks up and down (7)'" .)
(Other definitions for chaffinch that I've seen before include "Singer" , "Small European songbird" , "European bird with black and white wings" , "Garden bird" , "Common bird" .)
(Other definitions for goldfinch that I've seen before include "Singer" , "Small bird with yellow and black wings" , "Bird with yellow body plumage" , "Colourful garden bird" , "flier?" .)
(Other definitions for blue tit that I've seen before include "Common songbird" , "Small songbird" , "Colourful garden bird" , "little singer" , "Small garden bird" .)