Strange, odd (8)
I believe this is a double definition.
'strange' is the first definition.
(similar in meaning)
'odd' is the second definition.
(I know that odd can be written as peculiar)
(Other definitions for peculiar that I've seen before include "'Strange, odd (8)'" , "I clear up, being odd" , "Odd, rum, funny" , "Unusual" , "Characteristic" .)
This clue is a double definition.
'strange' is the first definition.
'odd' is the second definition.
(I know that odd can be written as queer)
(Other definitions for queer that I've seen before include "Strange, odd" , "Peculiar" , "Odd; ruin (pitch)" , "Hinder or prevent" , "Unusual" .)
I believe this clue is a double definition.
'strange' is the first definition.
(I know that unusual is a more specific form of the attribute strange)
'odd' is the second definition.
(similar in meaning)
(Other definitions for unusual that I've seen before include "Strange, out of the ordinary" , "Curious" , "Odd - rare" , "Abnormal" , "Not common or ordinary" .)