Swore (8)

(Other definitions for supposed that I've seen before include "Imagined; assumed" , "Reckoned, took to be the case" , "Putative" , "Imagined, presumed" , "Generally believed" .)
(Other definitions for reformed that I've seen before include "Changed for the better" , "Restored - mended one's ways" , "sort of church" .)
(Other definitions for insisted that I've seen before include "Tidiness (anag.)" , "Demanded firmly" , "Stated emphatically, refusing to budge" , "Maintained firmly" , "Was emphatic and refused to budge" .)
'swore' is the definition.
(attesting is a kind of swearing)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for attested that I've seen before include "Certified, vouched" , "Bore witness to" , "Provided evidence" , "Declared that something was true" , "Affirmed to be true" .)
'swore' is the definition.
('assert' can be a synonym of 'swear')
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for asserted that I've seen before include "Confidently declared to be so" , "Put" , "Made firm statement about a dessert" , "Stated firmly, declared." .)
'swore' is the definition.
(declaring is a kind of swearing)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for declared that I've seen before include "Avowed openly" , "Announced, proclaimed" , "Announced formally" , "Stated emphatically" , "Made clearly known" .)
'swore' is the definition.
('affirm' can be a synonym of 'swear')
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for affirmed that I've seen before include "swore" , "Stated as a fact" , "Endorsed" , "Averred" , "Stated positively and firmly" .)
'swore' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for promised that I've seen before include "Undertook (to do something)" , "Betrothed" , "Gave one's word, pledged" , "undertaken" , "Made a commitment to do" .)
(Other definitions for believed that I've seen before include "Credited" , "Accepted as true" , "Regarded as true" , "Thought" .)
(Other definitions for eschewed that I've seen before include "left alone?" , "Shunned or avoided" , "Deliberately avoided - chew seed (anag)" , "not made use of" , "Avioded or abstained from" .)
(Another definition for perjured that I've seen is " guilty of an offence".)
(Another definition for profaned that I've seen is " was irreverent".)
(Other definitions for forswore that I've seen before include "Agreed to give up" , "Packed in" , "Renounced with determination" .)
(Another definition for plighted that I've seen is " promised".)
(Other definitions for inducted that I've seen before include "Installed or recruited ceremoniously" , "Admitted formally to a post or organization" .)
(Other definitions for deceived that I've seen before include "Caused someone to believe something that wasn't true" , "Led astray, deluded" .)