Crossword Genius

Taking the right one to heaven is by no means a certainty! (5)


I believe the answer is:


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'by no means a certainty' is the definition.
I can't tell whether this definition defines the answer.

'taking the right one to heaven' is the wordplay.
'taking' is a deletion indicator.
'the' becomes 't' (the is pronounced as a 't' sound in some dialects).
'right' becomes 'rt' (abbreviation as in Rt Hon- the Right Honourable).
'one' becomes 'i' (Roman numeral).
'to heaven' becomes 'sky' (I've seen this in another clue).
'rt' with 't' removed is 'r'.

'is' acts as a link.

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for risky that I've seen before include "Potentially dangerous" , "Having possibility of danger or loss" , "Unsafe" , "Hazardous" , "not playing safe" .)

I've seen this clue in the Evening Standard.
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