Crossword Genius

Tiresomely plug new gold layer (2,7)


I believe the answer is:

ad nauseam

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'tiresomely' is the definition.
Both the answer and definition are adverbs. Perhaps they are linked in a way I don't understand?

'plug new gold layer' is the wordplay.
'plug' becomes 'ad' (as in plugging a product).
'new' becomes 'n' (common abbreviation eg NT for New Testament).
'gold' becomes 'Au' (Au is the chemical symbol for gold).
'layer' becomes 'seam' (seam is a kind of layer).
'ad'+'n'+'au'+'seam'='AD NAUSEAM'

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for ad nauseam that I've seen before include "Excessively, to a sickening extent" , "Much too much" , "to an excessive extent" , "Past the stage of enjoying" , "Repeating" .)

I've seen this clue in The Daily Mail.
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