Crossword Genius

Type of road rage evident in decrepit car (6)


I believe the answer is:


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'decrepit car' is the definition.
'banger' can be an answer for 'car' (I have seen 'Old car ' mean 'banger' so perhaps 'car' could also mean 'banger'). I am not sure about the 'decrepit' bit.

'type of road rage' is the wordplay.
'type of road' becomes 'b' (I am not sure about this - if you are sure you should believe this answer much more).
'rage' becomes 'anger' (I've seen this before).

'evident in' is the link.

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(Other definitions for banger that I've seen before include "Old rattling car or slang sausage" , "Clapped-out car" , "Old and unreliable car" , "Noisy old car or slangy sausage" , "Sausage, firework and old car" .)

I've seen this clue in The Independent.
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