Use for hose, only in the North. (5)
I believe the answer is:
'use for hose' is the definition.
Although both the answer and definition are singular nouns, I don't understand how they can define each other.
'only in the north' is the wordplay.
I cannot really understand how this works, but
an anagram of 'only' is 'nylo' which is present in the answer.
'north' could be 'n' (abbreviation) and 'n' is found in the answer.
This accounts for all the letters.
This explanation may well be incorrect...
Can you help me to learn more?
(Other definitions for nylon that I've seen before include "Synthetic polymer" , "Artific ial (stocking) material" , "A thermoplastic" , "Fibre of polymeric amides" , "Unaccompanied part song" .)