Crossword Genius

Wit in funny replies penned by discontented Bennett (3,6)


I think it could be either:

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bel esprit

'wit' is the definition.
(bel esprit can mean a witty person)

'funny replies penned by discontented bennett' is the wordplay.
'funny' is an anagram indicator.
'penned by' means one lot of letters goes inside another.
'discontented' suggests removing the centre (the word's contents are removed).
'bennett' with its middle removed is 'bt'.
'replies' is an anagram of 'elespri'.
'elespri' inserted into 'bt' is 'BEL ESPRIT'.

'in' is the link.

(Another definition for bel esprit that I've seen is " genius".)

I've seen this clue in The Guardian.
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