Assigned (7)
(Other definitions for granted that I've seen before include "Conceded" , "Admittedly; given" , "Admitted" , "One doesn't like being taken for it" , "OK - allowed" .)
(Other definitions for imputed that I've seen before include "Attributed (something bad to someone)" , "Attributed or ascribed, say a fault" .)
'assigned' is the definition.
(similar in meaning)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for allotted that I've seen before include "Divided" , "Portioned out" , "Distributed officially, given as share" , "'Assigned, distributed (8)'" , "Distributed in shares" .)
'assigned' is the definition.
(allocating is a kind of assigning)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for allocated that I've seen before include "Assigned" , "Apportioned" , "set aside" .)