Crossword Genius

Butcher's chestnut horse should be returned (6)


I believe the answer is:


'butcher's' is the definition.
Although both the answer and definition are singular nouns, I cannot understand how one could define the other.

'chestnut horse should be returned' is the wordplay.
'chestnut' becomes 'red' (chestnut is a shade of red).
'horse' becomes 'nag' (term for an old horse).
'should be returned' says the letters should be written backwards.
'rednag' reversed gives 'GANDER'.

(Other definitions for gander that I've seen before include "Butchers - goose" , "Ranged over the bird" , "Male goose; look (colloq.)" , "town in Newfoundland" , "Glimpse" .)

I've seen this clue in The Telegraph, The Times and The Sun.
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