Chess piece (5)

'chess piece' is the definition.
(queen is a kind of chess piece)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for queen that I've seen before include "Female sovereign ruler" , "Sovereign - bee" , "Empress" , "Most powerful chess piece" , "Good - - Bess" .)
'chess piece' is the definition.
(bishop is a kind of chess piece)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for bishop that I've seen before include "see supervisor" , "Diocesan" , "High-ranking clergyman" , "Board member" , "Chess piece; mulled wine" .)
'chess piece' is the definition.
(castle is a kind of chess piece)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for castle that I've seen before include "eg Edinburgh or Windsor" , "old building?" , "Dover, perhaps" , "Fortress; rook" , "Chess piece and grand house" .)
'chess piece' is the definition.
(knight is a type of chess piece)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for knight that I've seen before include "rider looking for adventure?" , "Holder of non-hereditary title in UK" , "nobleman" , "Give title to; chess piece" , "He's a Sir in the UK" .)
'chess piece' is the definition.
(rook is a kind of chess piece)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for rook that I've seen before include "Defraud -- crow" , "Do < cornerpiece" , "Chess piece also called castle" , "Chesspiece otherwise known as a castle" , "journalist Jean" .)
'chess piece' is the definition.
(pawn is a kind of chess piece)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for pawn that I've seen before include "Lowest ranking chessman" , "Man of lowest value" , "Chess piece -- puppet" , "Give as security" , "Deposit as security for a loan" .)
'chess piece' is the definition.
(king is a kind of chess piece)
This is all the clue.
(Other definitions for king that I've seen before include "Senior royal" , "Court card" , "Play set in medieval Britain" , "eg Wenceslas" , "Most important chessman" .)
'chess piece' is the definition.
(I've seen this before)
This is the entire clue.
(Other definitions for man that I've seen before include "Provide with crew" , "Irish Sea isle" , "Staff the island" , "Isle of -; chess piece" , "Where people compete to win TT" .)