Crossword Genius

Current setter involved in predicament (3,6)


I believe the answer is:

jet stream

'current' is the definition.
(current of air)

'setter involved in predicament' is the wordplay.
'involved' indicates anagramming the letters (involved can mean confusing or complex).
'in' is an insertion indicator.
'predicament' becomes 'jam' (jam can mean a tricky situation).
'setter' with letters rearranged gives 'etstre'.
'etstre' placed inside 'jam' is 'JET STREAM'.

(Other definitions for jet stream that I've seen before include "flow behind aircraft" , "High-altitude, high-speed wind" , "Strong westerlies" , "Upper atmosphere current" , "High atmospheric westerly current" .)

I've seen this clue in The Times and The Telegraph.
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