Cut of meat from the lumbar region of an animal (4)
I believe the answer is:
This clue is a quadruple definition!!
'cut' is the first definition.
(loin is a kind of cut)
'of' is a link.
'meat' is the second definition.
(loin is a kind of meat)
'from' acts as a link.
'the lumbar region' is the third definition.
(I've seen this before)
'of' acts as a link.
'an animal' is the fourth definition.
The answer is an example.
(Other definitions for loin that I've seen before include "Meat between the ribs and rump of an animal" , "Cut of meat from between rib and haunch" , "Choice cut of meat" , "Cut of meat from between the ribs and rump" , "Joint of meat" .)