Crossword Genius

Flaming spirit comes with a piece of fruit (3,6)


I believe the answer is:

red pepper

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'piece of fruit' is the definition.
'red pepper' can be an answer for 'fruit' (I've seen this before). I am unsure of the 'piece of' bit.

'flaming spirit comes with a' is the wordplay.
'flaming' becomes 'red' (red hot).
'spirit' becomes 'pep' (pep is a kind of spirit).
'comes with' says to put letters next to each other.
'a' becomes 'per' (eg 'one a day' means 'one per day').
'red'+'pep'+'per'='RED PEPPER'

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for red pepper that I've seen before include "Plant with hot, pungent fruit" , "Salad vegetable" , "Ripe fruit" , "Very hot condiment like cayenne" , "A hot mouthful" .)

I've seen this clue in The Independent.
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