It takes a turn for the better (8,5)
'it takes a' is the definition.
The definition suggests a singular noun which matches the answer.
'turn for the better' is the wordplay.
'turn' becomes 'wheel' (I've seen this before).
'for' is a charade indicator (letters next to each other) (I've seen this in other clues).
'the better' becomes 'roulette' (I am not sure about this - if you are sure you should give a lot more credence to this answer).
'wheel' put after 'roulette' is 'ROULETTE-WHEEL'.
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(Another definition for roulette wheel that I've seen is " It spins in the casino".)
'better' is the definition.
Although both the answer and definition are singular nouns, I don't see how one could define the other.
'it takes a turn for the' is the wordplay.
I cannot really see how this works, but
'it' could be 't' (abbreviation. e.g. in 'tis) and 't' is found within the answer.
'turn' could be 'u' (a 'U-turn' is a kind of turn) and 'u' is present in the answer.
'the' could be 't' (the is pronounced as a 't' sound in some dialects) and 't' is found in the answer.
This may be the basis of the clue (or it may be nonsense).
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(Other definitions for roulette that I've seen before include "SPORT/GAME" , "Casino game" , "it's for the better, supposedly" , "If Russian, it's a very dangerous game" , "Wheel of fortune" .)