Crossword Genius

Live at home, outside evacuated regional capital (6)


I believe the answer is:


'capital' is the definition.
(Berlin is an example)

'live at home outside evacuated regional' is the wordplay.
'live' becomes 'be' ('be' can be a synonym of 'live'**).
'at home' becomes 'in' ('in' can be similar in meaning to 'at home').
'outside' indicates putting letters inside.
'evacuated' suggests removing the centre.
'regional' with its centre removed is 'rl'.
'bein' placed around 'rl' is 'BERLIN'.

(Other definitions for berlin that I've seen before include "A once-divided city" , "capital city" , "Composer of White Christmas" , "German capital" , "Irving -, Russian-born musical composer" .)

I've seen this clue in The Times and The Daily Express.
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