Secured loan without interest outside bank (8)
I believe the answer is:
'secured loan' is the definition.
The definition and answer can be both to do with ownership as well as being past participle verbs.
Perhaps there's an association between them I don't understand?
'without interest outside bank' is the wordplay.
'without interest' becomes 'bored' (I can't justify this - if you can you should believe this answer much more).
'outside' means one lot of letters goes inside another (some letters go outside others).
'bank' becomes 'row' (a bank is a row of things).
'bored' placed around 'row' is 'BORROWED'.
Can you help me to learn more?
(Other definitions for borrowed that I've seen before include "Took temporarily" , "Procured on loan" , "Bored row (anag.)" , "Took a loan" , "Undue extension of life" .)