Crossword Genius

Seriously damage a volume in foul temper (6)


I believe the answer is:


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'seriously damage' is the definition.
'ravage' can be an answer for 'damage' (thesaurus). I am unsure of the 'seriously' bit.

'a volume in foul temper' is the wordplay.
'volume' becomes 'v' (abbreviation for volume in book titles).
'in' means one lot of letters goes inside another.
'foul temper' becomes 'rage' (I have seen 'Terrible temper' mean 'rage' so perhaps 'temper' could also mean 'rage'. I am not sure about the 'foul' bit.).
'av' put inside 'rage' is 'RAVAGE'.

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(Other definitions for ravage that I've seen before include "Pillage or lay waste" , "Cause extensive destruction" , "Wreak havoc upon" , "Sack" , "Greatly damage, destroy" .)

I've seen this clue in The Times.
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