Crossword Genius

Very delicate song Yankee repeated: loudly joining in (4-5)


I believe the answer is:


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'very delicate' is the definition.
I can't tell whether this defines the answer.

'song yankee repeated loudly joining in' is the wordplay.
'song' becomes 'air' (air can mean a piece of music).
'yankee' becomes 'Y' (phonetic alphabet: alpha, bravo, charlie etc.).
'repeated' shows that letters should be duplicated.
'loudly' becomes 'f' (short for forte - 'loud' in music).
'joining in' means one lot of letters goes inside another.
'airy' duplicated is 'airyairy'.
'airyairy' enclosing 'f' is 'AIRY-FAIRY'.

Can you help me to learn more?

(Other definitions for airy-fairy that I've seen before include "Lightweight" , "Fanciful or impractical for breezy elf" , "Fanciful and impractical like breezy sprite" , "Unrealistic - fanciful" , "Fanciful, not based on reality" .)

I've seen this clue in The Times.
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