Something hard for the butcher to take in hand? (5)
I believe the answer is:
'something hard' is the definition.
I can't judge whether this definition defines the answer.
'the butcher to take in hand?' is the wordplay.
'the' becomes 't' (the is pronounced as a 't' sound in some dialects).
'butcher' becomes 'see' (I can't justify this - if you can you should give a lot more credence to this answer).
'to take in' is an insertion indicator.
'hand?' becomes 'L' (abbreviation for left, as in the left-hand side).
't' placed within 'see' is 'stee'.
'for' is the link.
Can you help me to learn more?
(Other definitions for steel that I've seen before include "Form of iron" , "May be cold" , "Make hard and unfeeling" , "Hard, strong, grey alloy" , "nerve" .)