Crossword Genius

State supports case for particularly burning desire (9)


I believe the answer is:


'burning desire' is the definition.
(desire to burn)

'state supports case for particularly' is the wordplay.
'state' becomes 'romania' (Romania is a European nation).
'supports' means one lot of letters go next to another (bottom letters provide a support for the top ones).
'case for' suggests removing the centre (the letters which encase the others are used).
'particularly' with its middle removed is 'py'.
'romania' after 'py' is 'PYROMANIA'.

(Other definitions for pyromania that I've seen before include "Fire-raising compulsion" , "Obsession with burning things" , "Obsessive desire to start fires" , "Fire-raising impulse" , "lighting up for fun?" .)

I've seen this clue in The Times.
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