The Rock put up revolutionary toy tent (3,3)
I believe the answer is:
big top
'tent' is the definition.
(big top is a kind of tent)
'the rock put up revolutionary toy' is the wordplay.
'the rock' becomes 'gib' (both are nicknames for Gibraltar).
'put up' shows that the letters should be reversed in order.
'revolutionary' says the letters should be written in reverse (letters revolve around).
'toy' becomes 'pot' (I am not sure about this - if you are sure you should give a lot more credence to this answer).
'gib' reversed gives 'big'.
'pot' backwards is 'top'.
'big'+'top'='BIG TOP'
Can you help me to learn more?
(Other definitions for big top that I've seen before include "'Main circus tent (3,3)'" , "entertainment centre" , "performance in The Ring" , "needed by Mae West, for one?" , "Circus venue" .)