Crossword Genius

Training in rows, set up shot from a camouflaged position (6)


I believe the answer is:


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'shot from a camouflaged position' is the definition.
The definition and answer can be both related to competing as well as being past participle verbs.
I also know that 'shot' relates to this answer.

'training in rows set up' is the wordplay.
'training' becomes 'PE' (Physical Education).
'in' indicates putting letters inside.
'rows' becomes 'dins'.
'set up' says the letters should be written in reverse.
'dins' written backwards gives 'snid'.
'pe' put within 'snid' is 'SNIPED'.

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(Other definitions for sniped that I've seen before include "Shot from cover" , "Took a pot shot" , "Fired shots from hiding place" , "Criticised" , "Shot at from hiding, or made sly critical remarks" .)

I've seen this clue in The Hindu.
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